If you feel you do not tkow where to start, how to get things done. how much time and money you will need to accomplish a project, than this exercise is for you. You do not need any complicated studi...
You probably heard that "Business is about people". In a project, we call the people and organizations affected by the project or business: "The Stakeholder".
In this article I want focus on the ...
Values are like the sunglasses through which we see the world. In this post, I want to share with you 5 sets of values that are driving your business success at different stages of your business.
What cannot be measured cannot be improved. We know that values and beliefs are defining our identity, and that our identity is the one who takes decisions and defines the vision. So if we do not like...
This is important to read for you if you are an entrerpenuer starting a new company , a project manager leading a complex projec, leading a virtual team or team that has internal and external team m...
Today I want to share with you how I used the stakeholder influence to land a big consulting contract for my team with a telecommunication operator that resulted in a 2 years long and 7-figure assignm...
We negotiate every day in business and life. Either we do it with intention, or we just let others dictate what we get. In this post, I want to share with you some important aspects of negotiations th...
We cannot run a business or a project without communicating with other people. Did you know that not communicating is a form of communication?
Being a leader means we constantly communicate with p...
If you are negotiating, trying to persuade others, holding a leadership position, on your way to becoming better in building relationships with peers, clients, team members you will find knowing the 4...
You want to develop your team for maximum collaboration and effectiveness?
A lot of managers hire an entertainer or organize events like paintball, traveling, hiking, sports games and other fun activ...
At the core of every business, every project idea lies a dream, a vision of where you want to be.
But the Vision is not the same as your Vision statement here is the difference:
- The Vision: A vis ...
How persuasive are you when you talk to your clients about your project? How do you make sure they understand exactly what they need to know?
1. Preparation is everything
Have you ever watched a gre...