Skyrocket your Stakeholder Engagement & Unlock Project Success

Stakeholder Playbook

Everything you need to create a  game plan that engages your stakeholder and amplifies your  success!


You are in the right place if you are:


Looking for an easy way to get stakeholder support


Spending too much  time deciding on the best stakeholder templates


Feeling overwhelmed by all the available stakeholder tools


Searching for a proven way to conduct a stakeholder analysis alone or   with your team.




What can Stakeholder Engagement do for you?

Boost your Project sales like never before


Engage your stakeholder with exciting project information

Streamline and optimize your communication efforts.

Set yourself up for success in the upcoming project.

From Lottery to  Closed Deals & Predictable Project Success!

In my inaugural years as a business owner, I found myself walking on thin ice. Sitting at the table with government and corporate managers negotiating large deals  and without a concrete stakeholder strategy, my closing rate depended on my intention and luck— making it a  challenging time of my entrepreneurial journey.

But as the saying goes, “Every setback is a setup for a comeback.”

The following years I attended  trainings at Dale Carnegie, became a certified  consultant at Kepner Tregoe, Siemens, Lego Serious Play and learned how to  implemented a "Stakeholder Influence system ", inspired by a strategy I'd implemented in  telecommunication companies. From the very early beginning I tried to communicate strategically with relevant people to get all the support necessary to close the deals.

The result?

More predictable sales for my clients and in  my business, financed construction projects, sold equipment and project management services! To my surprise this ONE strategy made my clients' earnings more predictable every year.

Now, every time  I start a project  my team and I eagerly analyze the stakeholder relations. I'm thrilled to unveil the secrets behind this success, offering you the very tips and templates that transformed my business and the business of my clients.

Ready to elevate your Stakeholder communication and get support for your project? Let's dive in!

Thea xo

What is waiting for you inside the Playbook?

Step-by-Step Training

Deep dive into my masterclasses that unveil every secret to designing a stakeholder communication that skyrockets your sales.


All the templates that help you easily conduct a Stakeholder analysis online, create a communication plan and track engagement with our Google Sheets, so that you save time. 


No guesswork! Our Checklist help you to streamline your  your stakeholder analysis and communication planning, so that you grow your sales.

Trello Board

All the Stakeholder Analysis Steps you'll need, which you can customize to your projects  unique situation.


Slide Deck

Use these stakeholder slides to present your Stakeholder analysis to your team and conduct a Stakeholder workshop step by step with your team.

Whiteboard Workshop +Templates

Learn to use the online White board Miro to brainstorm and analyse your stakeholder in a intuitive and fun way. 

Ready to make your next project unforgettable?

Secure your stakeholder  playbook now and supercharge your project profits.


Caroline M.

I loved the first year Thea did her Stakeholder Challenge  promo and I bought the kit the second year. And now, thanks to everything she shares in the Playbook, I can run my stakeholder analysis and communication with my team  in my business!

Luca M.

You won't believe everything Thea has included in this Playbook. I am still surprised! The teaching, guides, templates (and more) takes "giving value" to a whole new level. Thea, blessings to you and a huge thank you! 

Henry  P.

This training is insane! I love how you share tons of creative ideas for the offers we can use. And the design templates and planning resources made it super easy to get started. This is going to be an awesome project! 🙌

Need answers? We've got you...

One-Time Payment



  • Step-by-Step Training
  • Workbook
  • Trello Board
  • Stakeholder Templates
  • Slidedeck Templates
  • Whiteboard Board Template

Everything you need to create and deliver a stakeholder communication plan that skyrockets your project sales.


What are you waiting for?

Imagine you can access the resources right now, have a guide that saves you time and guesswork on how to create a stakeholder analysis and engagement plan in your pocket.   This is like having a business consultant at your side . If you have any question please contact [email protected]