What is your DISC Personality?

disc personality
DISC Type Personality

If you are negotiating, trying to persuade others, holding a leadership position, on your way to becoming better in building relationships with peers, clients, team members you will find knowing the 4 personality types very helpful.

Imagine you could literally in seconds build a bridge to the other person's mind so that you can deliver your message in a way that is heard, make him like  you, choose a leadership style that makes him trust you and feel motivated.

Imagine we can pick exactly the type of arguments that the client needs to hear to take a decision 

I was looking for something that we ca apply in our every day communication and found it.

Is it really possible to put us humans into 4  personality types? Is there a simple and easy way to read people and ro build better and stronger relationships.?

How am I able to make this bold claim? 

Having coached over 6000 Executives and Engineers in 13 countries I studied a lot of psychology, communication skills, took classes in negotiation, sales, leadership and got a lot of certifications in a wide range of different Personality Diagnostics . I like them all but as we have to start somewhere I asked  my clients what they consider gave them the biggest impact .I found the Number One test rated by my clients as valuable  and applicable in daily life is  knowing your DISC style.

Can you relate? The DiISC profile taught me a lot and helps me and my clients to build better relationships, and I use it in my negotiation training, sales training, and of course in project team building.

Imagine we have insights that help us to

  • Immediately improve interpersonal communications
  • Connect with clients and co-workers more effectively
  • Understand what you need to be most successful 

Learning about the DISC personality behavior taught me the following:

  • Not everybody wants to be a leader.
  • Not everybody is a good listener.
  • Not everybody likes to pick up the phone and talk to clients.
  • Not everybody is a good fit for that job.
  • Not everybody can build systems and is detail oriented.

But here is the good news when you take the test and you find out that your natural strength is not a good fit for the job you aspire to do, you learn exactly what skills and competencies are required and you can make a great hire or know what skills to develop.

My main criteria for using the DISC  model is that it allows us to diagnose the other person quickly and it is simple.

The better we understand ourselves -the better we understand the others

I have been always looking for a simple tool that can help my executives to better understand their people in negotiations and business communication. You maybe know personality tests like  one of the following:

  • MBTI,
  • EQ Test,
  • Human Design,
  • Value Profiles,
  • Success Insights, 
  • SCIL Performance Strategy,
  • Strengths finder
  • 9 Levels Value System
  • TMS- Team Management System

What is DISC?

DISC  Is a model that describes the 4 different types of personalities. Even the old Greeks ( Aristotle) used such typology. of four states: Melancholic, Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic

Marston developed a model based on Carl Jung's research that is easy to understand ( easier than MBTI and more practical to use in daily life- as we can use  clues from the observation and listening)

Here are the 4  DISC. Types

- Dominant

- Inspiring




How did I learn about DISC?

A former Siemens HR Director introduced me to the SuccessInsights (TM) model which includes the  DISC model. I got certified and use it ever since for Negotiation skills and Leadership training helping entrepreneurs and executives to become aware and get clarity on their zone of genius and their personal decision-making style.

How can we benefit from the personality model -DISC?

According to DISC  we deal with four different archetypes of people who will respond to the same event in four very different ways!

Now  I strongly believe that we do not belong in a box or that we are some "Type", however, I appreciate the fantastic  DISC clues that we can apply immediately at the table, that we can implement right away in our daily communication to better understand others and better adapt our arguments, to get our message to the recipient so that he/she understands and agrees.

We all agree that the bait has to be tasty for the fish and not for the angler. Imagine you invite your client for a fancy business dinner with a delicious menu - they serve the best meat and he is vegetarian.

But knowing the favourite dishes helps to build better relationships. By choosing the same drink or same dish we are more like that person and the other feels more comfortable.

We can use that same approach in our communication style and leadership behavior. 

Here are some examples how we can use the knowledge about the personality in our communication:

We can use:

  • specific words that matter 
  • the right arguments that are important 
  • speak slower of faster
  • use more images or numbers
  • show a One page offer or a 10 page proposal
  • same speed while speaking

In our leadership training we practice these simple methods and once you have experienced the great success and the effectiveness in a role-play you start having much more fun in your daily leadership, delegation, communication, negotiation.

I included a DISC survey in all  long term coaching packages. I see my clients who take on a new position as a leader changing their DISC style. Together we define what new behavior would help and how to learn these skills quickly so that they are efficient.  I see measuring your DISC type is it like taking a blood test at the doctors and once your measure your present state you can easier define what treatment and therapy is best for you in your circumstances to get to the desired result. 


How do the 4 DISC. Personality Types tick?

D- Dominant

I- Inspiring




The Dominant personality-D

  • Fast-paced
  • enjoys competition and challenges
  • is goal orientated and wants to be recognized for his efforts.
  • nothing is impossible, aims high, wants the authority, and oversteps authority 
  • is usually self-sufficient and individualistic.
  • may lose interest in projects once the challenge has gone and they tend to be impatient and dissatisfied with finishing small detail.s
  • take it for granted that people will think highly of them.


The Inspiring personality-I

  • are strongly interested in meeting and being with people.
  • are generally optimistic, outgoing, and socially skilled.
  • are quick at establishing relationships.
  • positive with people, enjoying being the center of attraction  
  • creative 
  • fast-paced

The Steady personality-S

  • steady, stable
  • sympathetic
  • good listener
  • wants harmony
  • strive for consensus
  • reconcile conflicts as they arise
  • finishes one thing before the next
  • obeys authority


The Conscientious personality.C

  • think analytically and systematically, 
  • makes decisions based on facts, figures and detailed information 
  • perfectionist with high standards
  • focused on the details


In the following you find some interesting examples showing you how differently we react if we would be 100%  of one of these D-I-S-C types. Shure, we are all blends but 1-to 2 dominant types are easy to observe and this is what helps us to better understand ourselves and others.

I want to help you to understand how your clients and team members make decisions. what is their buying psychology, and what is their communication style.

But most importantly I want to help you to understand yourself so that you can become a better leader.

 understand yourself 

What is the most important Question the person wants to get answered?

  • D -What?
  • I -Who?
  • S -Why?
  • C -How? 

What does the persons Workplace look like?

  • D -clean, minimalistic
  • I -cluttered, post-it, chaotic
  • S -pictures from family friends
  • C -orderly, systematic,  clean

How do the DISC types behave in Decision Making?

  • D -immediate
  • I -spontaneous, based on emotion
  • S -indecisive, risk-averse
  • C -slowly and systematically based on facts and logic

How do the DISC types Lead a Meeting?

  • D -brief, short, focused, takes decisions self, impatient, demanding, pushy
  • I -creative, talkative, gets derailed, fun, flexible with topics and time
  • S -coaching style, facilitating, trying to reach  consensus, harmony 
  • C -systematic, sticks to agenda, logical, punctual, 

How does the DISC personality behaves in a  Project Crisis?

  • D -takes decisions
  • I -sees too many options 
  • S -waits for advice
  • C -systematic search for solutions

How does the DISC personality manages Project Documentation?

  • D -no time for reports, 1-page document, oral 
  • I -pictures, PowerPoint graphs, video, 
  • S -patiently filling in the forms and reports,
  • C -systematic and correct data captioning

What you can see in Team Building exercises?

  • D -takes initiative
  • I -makes fun, creates an inspiring atmosphere and comes with creative ideas
  • S -observes others and supports
  • C -critical opinion, passive 

How do the DISC persona show up in Conflicts? 

  • D impatient, competitive, pushy, oversteps authority, open-minded 
  • I -relationship first, open-minded 
  • S -hates change, 
  • C - blocking, closed-minded, critical blaming others,

What do the DISC need in Financial Planning?

  • D -One total number 
  • I -presenting to investors
  • S -long detailed risk analysis
  • C - step-by-step process and detailed facts  on all items

How do I handle Emails Communication?

  • D -short, challenging, blunt to the point, direct- bullet points
  • I- express my  opinion, feelings, dramatic, indirect, bold emotion
  • S -long,  personal, polite, indirect 
  • C -formal, correct, structured, 


Know yourself so that you can understand the other and build better relationships.

Next Steps:

Book a Coaching  session, get a DISC profile and find out if we are a good fit for longterm leadership coaching and mentoring  support.

Click here and book your first coaching session. and get your personal DISC Profile

If you want to use DISC for hiring or developing your Team members  reach out  and send an email to [email protected]




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